Redland Yurara Art Society Incorporated is a not–for–profit art organisation run exclusively by volunteers. The Society is based in Thornlands, near Cleveland in the Redlands about 40 kilometres southeast of Brisbane.
Established by Clothilde Highton and a small group of artists in 1962, the Redland Yurara Art Society was originally known as “The Yurara Art Group”. The Group met regularly in Clothilde's home which overlooked Raby Bay and was named “Yurara”, an aboriginal word that means “looking eastwards”.
The Group's purpose was, (as it remains), ‘to give encouragement to practising artists, and to awaken public interest in the Arts generally’.
In 1991 The Yurara Art Group became incorporated changing its name to Redland Yurara Art Society Inc.* In 1992, after a huge fundraising effort, the Society received a dollar–for–dollar grant from the Queensland State Government. This, together with the Redland Shire Council's allocation of land in Pinkland Recreation Reserve, allowed Yurara Art Society to build its own studio. The studio, officially opened in August 1992 by the then Premier of Queensland, Mr Wayne Goss, remains the hub of members' activities, accommodating regular workshops, classes, tutorials, displays, meetings, and social gatherings. In 1998, following a generous bequest from founding member, Joan Higgins, a gallery was added to the Studio, doubling available space.
Both the studio and gallery are well-equipped and air-conditioned. The gallery offers a crisp, fresh space with modern hanging facilities and a professional lighting system. The studio has various easels, small and large work tables, boards, DVD, and Video facilities. A fine collection of art books and videos are available for loan to members. Kitchen facilities including a refrigerator, urn, sink, and microwave are also available. *Referred to usually as Yurara Art Society
- Everyone from beginners to professional artists are welcome!
- Life drawing sessions and portrait sessions.
- Plein Air Sessions.
- Informal Sunday painting sessions.
Printing and collage sessions.
- Use of easels and tables while at Yurara Studio.

One Major judged exhibition.
- A friendly supportive environment that encourages the development of your artwork.
At least eight exhibitions per year, some open subjects and some themed, to display and sell your artwork.
- Discounted fees for workshops held at Yurara Studio.
- Discounted studio or gallery hire for exhibitions or workshops.
- Extensive range of art library books available for loan.
- Art instructional, art topic DVDs and videos available for loan.