Member Art Sessions Time Table
Please confirm session dates with the convenor and check if sessions are closed on Public Holidays and between Christmas/New Year.Description | Info |
Portraiture Get together with like-minded Yurara members and practice your portrait works. | Monday 9am-11:00am Convenor: Raija Jantti Mob: 0406 976 494 Email: & Tarja Rantala Mob: 0431 997 271 |
Printing Group Learn and explore printmaking at your own pace in a like-minded group. | Wednesday 1:30pm-5:00pm Convenor: Joanne Hilder Mob: 0411 744 399 Email: |
Plein Air Draw and paint in the outdoors with a group of like-minded people. Please contact convenor for locations or check our calendar online. | Thursday 9am-11:30am Convenor: Nancy Read Ph: 07 3821 5836 Mob: 0408 818 801 Mob: 0468 878 984 |
Painting Group | Sunday 1:00pm-5.00pm Convenor: Robin Wilson Ph: 07 3207 6175 Mob: 0412 056 990 |
Public Art Sessions Time Table
The following classes are open to both Yurara members and non-members. Participants will be provided with a materials list directly from the individual tutors. Payment is to be made in full to the tutor at the commencement of the first class. Please contact the tutor directly for more information and/or next session dates.Class Description | Info |
Tonal Oil Painting Master the fascinating subtlety & complexity of tonal value. | Wednesday 9:30am-1:00pm Cost: 4 weeks $110.00 Tutor: Annie Jamieson Mob: 0403 702 451 Email: |
Drawing & Painting Students of all levels are welcome. Particular attention is paid to mood, colour and pattern. | Thursday 12:30pm-3:00pm Cost: $23.00 per class Tutor: Robin Wilson Mob: 0412 056 990 Email: |
Life Drawing Group - untutored Expand your drawing, tonal perception and perspective abilities. Life classes will also improve all of your artistic endeavours | Friday 10:00am-12.00pm Cost: $17.00 to cover model Tutor: Robin Wilson Ph: 07 3207 6175 Mob: 0412 056 990 Email: |
Members Art Sessions - Untutored
Explore on your own in a social group!
Convener Sylvia Heterick – 3207 9590
9.00am – 11.30am
PLEIN AIR (Weekly)
For location contact Nancy Read
Ph 3821 5826 or mobile: 0408 774 034
9.00am – 11.30am