A Workshop with Leigh Camilleri

Saturdays 19 & 26 August 2023
9.30am - 3.30pm
Learn how to initiate a work when you don't know where to start. This workshop is for artists of all levels to develop their work, refining, designing. We will investigate ideas of design, colour through exercises that can take your artwork in directions for both formal and informal art making.
Leigh says "The two Saturdays with the week between is to complete some homework. I know people are busy during the week but 15mins a day would be good. If you continue to use your new skills they will stick in your memory. Like anything, practice is very much a part of life."

Cost to Members $210
Non-Members $250
Tea, coffee and snacks provided. BYO lunch.
For more information or to submit your workshop application form, please contact Danielle, Workshops Convenor.Email: daniellebain@ozemail.com.au or Phone: 07 3206 6185 or 0417 239 911